Subsea 2 Technipfmc

Subsea 2.0®

Subsea 2.0®

There is a need for sustainable improvements in the way subsea projects are delivered.

This requires fundamental changes to the way we design, manage and execute.

We're industrializing our subsea business

Subsea 2.0庐 is an industrialized and standardized pre-engineered configurable product offering. This approach provides simplification of unique project requirements to a Configured-to-Order (CTO) flexible suite of product offerings.

Subsea 2.0® at a glance

Our Subsea 2.0庐 configurable product platform consists of pre-engineered products designed to provide the flexibility to accommodate customer needs and functional requirements, combining field-proven and new technologies.

Subsea 2.0庐 CTO program attributes include:

  • Pre-engineered standard configurations
  • Pre-approved and qualified supply chain
  • Pre-defined quality, code and surveillance requirements
  • Optimized manufacturing with dedicated capacity
  • Pre-defined and developed services

Core Subsea 2.0庐 products

  • Compact trees
  • Compact manifolds
  • Flexible jumpers
  • Distribution
  • Controls
  • Integrated connectors

Our Subsea 2.0庐 CTO product offering simplifies and standardizes critical components, products and processes.

Pivoting from bespoke Engineer to Order (ETO) solutions unique to every project to pre-engineered CTO products, we can leverage the efficiencies our execution model creates and bring value to our clients through

  • Reduced lead time
  • Optimized execution model
  • Improved predictability and reliability for delivery


Explore our Subsea 2.0庐 field

Combining field-proven and new technologies, Subsea 2.0庐 is fully commercialized and has been adopted by clients in key markets globally.

Compact manifold

Compact Manifold

Compact tree

Compact Tree

Integrated connector

Integrated Connector

Flexible jumpers

Flexible Jumpers



